The VOX Group


We Create Simplified Point of Purchases

POPs free of any kind of complexities. We make that possible by analyzing historical data. From local to global teams, VOX connects everyone across borders to clearly identify your team’s needs.

Our approach is simple – a design-to-value approach enables VOX reduce complexities for clients in every way. We rationalize P-O-P inventory and catalogs. We simplify your supply chain and logistics streams to reduce costs for your brands.


What is Complexity Reduction?

New to the idea of complexity reduction? Let VOX explain what it really is.

Complexity reduction helps brands simplify their strategies and assorted processes.This includes information technology, display products organization, supply chain fluidity, logistics, manufacturing, engineering, and much more. Reduction in any one of these areas – depending upon your specific need – leads to simplification modification.

The goal is to make your company’s business and operating model less complex. This improves overall growth, lower operating costs, and better returns in profit and revenue generation.

How VOX Offers Complexity Reduction?

Now that you are aware, let us leap into how we plan to make your business less complicated.

Simple – we analyze your P-O-P and add value to it. VOX digs deep into your Point of Purchase. Years of experience handling large and complex organizations, enable us to specialize in finding value and simplicity. We explore your designs, supply chain, sustainability and ensure your successes by delivering the best customer service. When analyzing the operations model, we grind around the edges and delve into the company.

VOX finds efficiencies in the procurement and supply chain of Point of Purchase displays and merchandising. We save our clients millions in indirect spending. To further add value, we use quality and sustainable materials to drive the desired ROIs.

Improved Value


Sustained Growth

Our Four-Stage Model

VOX has a four-step accelerated model in place. This model promotes sustainability, caters to supply chain complexity reduction, and manages Point-of-Sale problems.


VOX asks and understands your needs and the company operations model.
VOX world-class development team analyzes in depth your problem and formulates relevant solutions.
VOX premier supply team works closely to identify your supply chain affordability and opportunities.
VOX seasoned commercial team presents ROI projections and real-life solutions such as shop POP displays, trade show displays, and much more for your ultimate success – garner more sales and profit for your Company.